Ella Virgin shares her experience at Prima's 2024 Annual Conference. Ella discusses her motivations for attending, highlights her favorite speaker, Gregory Offner and emphasizes the significant impact of networking at the event. She praises the student conference scholarship program and recounts a pivotal social event on the last night of the conference that left a lasting impression on her.
*The views and opinions expressed in the Public Risk Management Association (PRIMA) blogs/podcasts are those of each respective author/speaker. The views and opinions do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of PRIMA.*

Ella Virgin
Risk Management and Insurance Major, Middle Tennessee State University
Ella is a junior at Middle Tennessee State University studying risk management and insurance. Originally from Union City, TN, Ella graduated from Union City High School in 2022. Her interest in the insurance industry sparked during freshman year, driving her to pursue opportunities for growth and learning. Ella is actively involved in MTSU’s Gamma Iota Sigma Omega chapter, where she developed leadership skills and a passion for service. She considers the support of the PRIMA 2024 Annual Conference Scholarship as invaluable as she continues her education and pursues a career in risk management and insurance. Beyond academics, Ella enjoys time with her family and friends as well as engaging in various activities on campus. She is excited about the opportunities ahead and remains dedicated to achieving her goals while making a positive impact in her community and industry.