2025 Awards

Risk managers meet problems head on and find creative ways in, around or through them. Help us honor your risk management awardees at the 2025 Annual Conference in Seattle, WA.

Public Risk Manager of the Year

Each year, PRIMA honors the grand Master of Risk Management— the one with the ability to handle losses, foresee risks and mitigate dangerous outcomes. Nominate a colleague or apply for the most prestigious award a PRIMA member can receive. The 2025 Public Risk Manager of the Year will be evaluated based on achieving success for the candidate’s entity and the entire risk management profession.

As PRIMA’s Public Risk Manager of the Year, you will receive:

  • Complimentary conference registrations, roundtrip airfare and hotel accommodations provided for the 2025 recipient and his or her supervisor to PRIMA’s Annual Conference, June 1-4 2025 in Seattle, WA.
  • Recognition at PRIMA’s Annual Conference Awards Presentation & Reception;
  • Recognition in PRIMA publications and website;
  • A short presentation featuring the achievements of the Public Risk Manager of the Year;
  • Recognition from peers across the United States and internationally.

PRIMA’s Public Risk Achievement Awards honor entities and pools with creative and successful risk management programs. The three categories for the awards are

  • Outstanding Achievement for a Public Risk Management Program
  • Outstanding Achievement for a Public Risk Management Product
  • Outstanding Achievement for an Intergovernmental Risk Pool Program or Product

One recipient will be awarded in each of the three categories. In addition, applicants may enter up to three (3) submissions. Each submission must have a completed application form.

Be sure to submit your entry in the proper category. Pools may only submit to the pool category.


Outstanding Achievement for a Public Risk Management Program recognizes risk management programs that are notably innovative, successful and/or well received. Entries can include, but are not limited to, department-wide or agency-wide safety initiatives, innovative risk management programs, new ways to fund risk management programs, implementation of a new program or success in selling your risk management objectives. (Pools must enter the Outstanding Achievement for an Intergovernmental Risk Pool Program or Product category.)

Outstanding Achievement for a Public Risk Management Product recognizes risk management products that are particularly timely, innovative and effective for risk managers. Products can include, but are not limited to, manuals, videos, newsletters, training modules, computer programs or Web sites. (Pools must enter the Outstanding Achievement for an Intergovernmental Risk Pool Program or Product category.)

Outstanding Achievement for an Intergovernmental Risk Pool Program or Product recognizes products and programs developed by intergovernmental risk pools that are notably innovative, timely and/or well received. Submission may focus on risk management products or programs provided to pool members. Submissions are accepted only from intergovernmental risk pools.


  • Applicant must be the designated (voting) representative of a PRIMA public entity member.
  • Applicant must be a full-time practitioner of risk management.

Criteria for Judging

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Originality of approach
  • Transferability
  • Ability to address a current need in public entities


The winner will receive:

  • One complimentary registration to PRIMA’s Annual Conference, June 1-4, 2025 in Seattle, WA.
  • Recognition at PRIMA’s Annual Conference Awards Reception;
  • Recognition in PRIMA publications and Web site;
  • Recognition from peers across the United States and internationally;
  • A gift of recognition suitably engraved and bearing the name of the recipient and the date.

The Public Risk Management Association’s (PRIMA) Outstanding Achievement Award for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) honors a public entity that has effectively implemented an ERM program within its organization.

Criteria for Judging

  • Adoption of ERM by upper management
  • Risk appetite & tolerance are defined in ERM program
  • Stakeholders are clearly identified
  • ERM training is provided to staff
  • Organizational risks have been identified using a risk register
  • Risk owners have been assigned throughout the entire entity
  • Risk treatment plans have been established
  • Integrated performance measures, for example, early warning signals are used
  • Use of an ERM communication plan


  • Applicant must be the designated (voting) representative of a PRIMA public entity member.
  • Applicant must be a full-time practitioner of risk management.


The winner will receive:

  • One complimentary registration to the PRIMA’s Annual Conference, June 1-4, 2025 in Seattle, WA.
  • Recognition at PRIMA’s Annual Conference Awards Reception;
  • Recognition in PRIMA publications and website;
  • Recognition from peers across the United States and internationally; and
  • An engraved gift of recognition bearing the name of the recipient and the date.

The PRIMA Chapter Recognition Award honors a PRIMA chapter's newsletter, program, website, networking opportunities or any chapter activity deemed by a panel of judges to be the most worthy of recognition. Only one PRIMA chapter will be honored!

Criteria for Judging

  • Significance
  • Transferability
  • Quality
  • Cost/Benefit


  • Must be a nationally recognized PRIMA chapter.
  • Chapter president must be a PRIMA public entity member.
  • Application must be submitted by the current PRIMA chapter president.


The winner will receive:

  • One complimentary registration to the PRIMA’s Annual Conference, June 1-4, 2025 in Seattle, WA.
  • Recognition at PRIMA’s Annual Conference Awards Reception;
  • Recognition in PRIMA publications and Web site;
  • Recognition from peers across the United States and internationally;
  • A gift of recognition suitably engraved and bearing the name of the recipient and the date

Each year PRIMA honors members of state chapters for their hard work, commitment and service. These exemplary members will be honored and recognized at PRIMA’s 2025 Annual Conference.


• Nominated individuals must be in good standing as chapter members and must be in good standing as a national PRIMA member.
• Essays should be approximately 150 words in length.


The winners will receive:

  • Recognition at PRIMA’s Annual Conference;
  • Recognition from peers across the United States and internationally;
  • Certificate of Recognition

Pioneer Excellence Award

Purpose & Requirements:
The purpose of the Pioneer Excellence Awards with PRIMA National is to recognize individual members for outstanding accomplishments in the following:

• Advancing PRIMA membership goals
• Knowledge of public entity risk management skills
• Aware of and informed about industry goals and trends
• Welcoming of new PRIMA members

Nominees should be active National PRIMA members with a minimum of 15 years of PRIMA membership.

• Nominations open in September 2024.
• Nominees will submit the Pioneer Excellence Award Application
• Nominees will be asked to provide a brief statement of the benefits gained from their National PRIMA membership
• Submissions will be reviewed by Chapter Relations and Membership Enhancement Committee


The award winner will receive:
• A framed and personalized certificate of excellence
• A one-page spotlight in Public Risk magazine
Announcements on PRIMA's social media channels, including their photo and a quote

This is a great opportunity to recognize a colleague or you can nominate yourself! Complete the nomination form and email it to pgerard@primacentral.org.

Nominations are due by October 11, 2024.