Kathleen McChesney details the responsibilities that school and youth-serving organizations need to take in order to prevent sexual misconduct.
Recent studies show that 4% of children are abused in school settings around the country. The steps in prevention include:
- Establishing policies based on research of successful programs.
- Following your state legislation.
- Tailoring an effective plan for your organization’s specific geography, accessibility and demographics.
- Establishing a program manager that is responsible for implementing and reviewing the prevention plan.
Additionally, Kathleen shares the steps an organization should take if they receive an allegation, the importance of transparency regarding abuse allegations, the importance of accountability and emerging issues.
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Dr. Kathleen McChesney
CEO, Kinsale Consulting
Summary of Qualifications
Kathleen was the former executive director, office of child protection for the US Catholic Bishops' Conference. She was also an FBI special agent and FBI executive assistant director, as well as a detective for King County Police (Seattle, WA).
With Kinsale Consulting, Kathleen provides consulting services for executives in businesses and non-profit organizations. Since its inception, the firm has performed security strategy and crisis management reviews, designed security structures and developed client-specific crisis management plans and training programs for multi-national corporations and non-profit agencies and religious organizations. Kathleen has conducted sensitive confidential internal investigations of employee misconduct, theft and fraud. Associates are subject matter experts and former law enforcement executives from federal, state and municipal agencies with extensive experience in risk management, security and crime prevention and investigations.
Business Experience
As the vice president for threat assessment and crisis management for The Walt Disney Company, Kathleen led a global team that assessed a wide variety of organizational risk; prepared and implemented crisis management plans, training and exercises for the company’s diverse operational regions and business segments; evaluated global critical incidents, political and social problems; and recommended mitigating actions to minimize the impact of major incidents on business.
Kathleen was selected by the United States Catholic Bishops’ Conference to establish and lead a national office for child protection. She developed and oversaw a national compliance.
Professional Affiliations
Current Board memberships:
- National Leadership Roundtable
- National Childrens' Alliance
Former Board memberships:
- International Assn. Chiefs of Police Boys & Girls Clubs USA
- Federal Executive Board
- B.S. Police Science & Administration, (Washington State University)
- M.S. Public Administration (Seattle University)
- Ph.D. Public Administration (Golden Gate University)