Podcasts & Blogs

Featuring emerging issues impacting the public risk management community, listen and read these resources to remain cognizant of best practices in the profession!

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Achieving Balance: Technology Advancements v. Human Care (Part 1)

In a world filled with advancing technology, risk managers need to understand trends to better predict and address future challenges. Most technology predictions that appear in magazine articles or marketing materials are exaggerated visions of more and faster. Part 1 covers risk modeling and communication

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First Responders Protect Us: Let’s Help Them Heal!

Gerry Stanley gives his expertise and experience on ways to identify injuries or trauma encountered by first responders.

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The Importance of the Interactive Process in Workers’ Compensation and Beyond

Risk managers and human resource professionals have an opportunity to collaborate in ways that will benefit their organizations as well as provide a more seamless employee experience. The connection of workers’ compensation and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides an insightful illustration of why this broader collaboration is so important.

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Application of the Texas Enterprise Risk Management Guidelines

On this week’s podcast, Lisette Osborne discusses the application of an occupational health program merging within the risk management arena.

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The Ins and Outs of Onsite Pharmacies (Part 2)

When you institute your own pharmacy or join an established pharmacy organization, it is “closed.”  This means that only employees and dependents insured on the member health plan can use the pharmacy. Often, many groups join together to form the membership to help offset the overhead and administrative costs.

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Ethical Responses to Allegations of Sexual Misconduct: Are You Prepared?

Kathleen McChesney details the responsibilities that school and youth-serving organizations need to take in order to prevent sexual misconduct.

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The Ins and Outs of Onsite Pharmacies (Part 1)

If you are like most risk management professionals, the thought of opening your own pharmacy brings up a slew of questions and concerns. What are the laws, rules and regulations surrounding running a pharmacy? What kind of insurance products would be needed, and what level of self-insurance could we afford? Do I have the staff/time to research, license, build, stock, hire, etc. everything necessary to run a pharmacy? Will the pharmacy save enough money to make it a worthwhile endeavor for my entity?

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Cyber Challenges in K-12 Public Schools

Brett Carruthers shares the challenges he experiences in the cyber market and what is driving them in the public sector, especially with K-12 entities.

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What’s Age Got to Do With It? The Benefits and Special Needs of Older Workers

By 2025, it has been predicted that there will be two times as many workers aged 50 years and older as those aged 25 and younger, and 30% of the US workforce will be aged 55 years and above. This statistic reinforces the fact that people are living and working longer, making this segment of our population a more attractive asset to employers as the current disparity of unemployed workers and available jobs increases.

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