Podcasts & Blogs

Featuring emerging issues impacting the public risk management community, listen and read these resources to remain cognizant of best practices in the profession!

PRIMA Podcasts are available on iTunes!


Don’t Blow a Gasket! Solutions to Address Employee Mental Well-Being and Mental Health

This podcast episode, we open up a discussion on mental wellbeing and public sector employee benefits. Kate Hubben explores the trends in benefits plans, emphasizing the need for innovation and cost management, particularly regarding pharmacy costs.

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Permit-to-Work Systems: Tell a Story of Safety

Ensuring safety in both high-risk environments and everyday workplaces is not just a priority; it’s a fundamental responsibility. The Permit-to-Work (PTW) process unfolds like chapters in a book: permits, request, approval, commencement of work, closure, or renewal, and then the cycle repeats.

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Save Lives, Avoid Liability: Managing Substance Withdrawal in Jails

More than 60% of persons detained in jails have a substance use disorder, compared to 5% in the general population. When these persons abruptly stop using substances, they often undergo withdrawal.

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Police and Organizational Behavior: How Did We Get Here?

In this podcast episode, we introduce a conversation on police organizational behavior with insights from Mark Anderko. The dialogue covers leadership, culture and managing problem employees in law enforcement.

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Hackers on the Horizon: Why Cybersecurity Funding Can’t Wait

The dynamic nature of the cyber threat landscape demands that public service organizations have a comprehensive understanding of evolving risks. Cybercriminals continually refine their methods, from ransomware attacks that encrypt critical data to stealthy data breaches that compromise sensitive information.

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What is at Risk? The Importance of Accurate Property Values

In this this week’s episode, we introduce a discussion on the critical role of accurate property appraisals in risk management, featuring insights from Natalia Szubbocsev.

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Enterprise Risk Management: Lessons Learned from Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Spock

If you are responsible for the ERM function in your organization, particularly if you are like me and were involved in creating the function from the ground up, you will likely appreciate the analogies here. Whether your organization is comprised of 10 people or 10,000, public, private or non-profit, the financial sector, healthcare or higher education, there is often a common denominator; change is hard.

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Best Practices for Public Sector Agency Data Breaches

In this podcast episode, Walter Hoffman explores the risks associated with public sector data breaches, including financial, reputational and operational impacts.

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Building Trust to Build Your Team: Becoming a Catalyst for Building Trust Within Your Organization

Is trust prevalent in your various teams in life? Do you generally trust your boss, your coworkers, your subordinates and your customers? Do you usually trust your neighbors, your friends and your children? That second question may seem strange, because you probably don’t worry about friends doing something to “wrong” you, but lack of trust isn’t limited to a concern about moral compromise.

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