I am fairly new to risk management – just started in this position 2 ½ years ago – but I am not new to the public sector. I have been working for the City & Borough of Juneau, Alaska for most of my adult life, more than 25 years. My previous experience with our risk manager was limited to review of contract insurance terms. I felt very confident in that area, so how much more could there be?
Then came the realization that I didn’t know all that I needed to. That’s a scary place to be, and it translates to a really steep learning curve! Juneau is a community of about 33,000 residents, and because of our geographic isolation (you cannot drive to Juneau – you must fly or take a ferry), our community and local government need to be self-sustaining. What this means is that risk management is involved in a broad range of operations, including the city government, hospital, school district, airport, port/harbors, and the ski area. In a small organization like ours, my duties range from claims adjusting to contract insurance review to advocating for risk and safety engagement at all levels, just to name a few. I have learned so much in a relatively short time, so I wanted to share some insights – from a newbie’s perspective.
- Risk management and safety management are dependent on each other. You cannot focus on just one. While we work towards implementing an enterprise risk management framework, I see enterprise safety management as an integral piece of that.
- The law department is my friend! Communicating with our attorneys early and often when dealing with a challenging claim is a really great way to go.
- Change can’t happen overnight. We have a lot of employees who have worked here for a long time. With that comes great institutional knowledge, but it sometimes means resistance to change. The burden is on risk management to identify areas that need improvement and then work hard to make the case for that change – sell it to those who like “the way it’s always been done”.
- Visit worksites as frequently as possible. I know I don’t get out in the field enough, but when I do, there is a genuine appreciation from work groups. It is one thing to express an interest over email or by phone, but showing up in person demonstrates a commitment to learning about operations, and it builds relationships in the process. I must give credit to Marilyn Rivers for emphasizing this at my first PRIMA Institute when I was in my first week on the job!
- PRIMA Talk is our friend! I know I said the law department is our friend, but, really, the more friends the better. Learning how others do things and finding common practices is extremely helpful. Also it’s a good way to find out new, better ways of doing things. It is a great support for our efforts to change and improve our approach to risk and safety.
- Finally, what I’ve realized over and over is that just when I think I know how to handle a certain situation, something comes up that is different and new and unlike anything I’ve ever had to deal with. It keeps my days interesting, and I continue to learn new things all the time!
Looking forward to learning more from everyone at the PRIMA Conference!

By: Jennifer Mannix
Risk Management Officer, City and Borough of Juneau, AK
Summary of Qualifications
Worked in risk management for 2 1/2 years;
Attended PRIMA Institute in 2013 and 2015;
Working toward ARM-P certification;
25 years of public sector employment experience, including 10+ years working in contract administration.
Jennifer is responsible for the management of all City & Borough of Juneau (CBJ) risk management programs, including general municipal operations, Bartlett Regional Hospital, Juneau School District, Juneau International Airport, Port of Juneau, and Eaglecrest Ski Area. Her work includes identifying, negotiating and contracting with insurance providers for purchased coverages, in coordination with CBJ's broker; administering CBJ's self-insured programs; and assisting departments with insurance needs for all levels of contracted services.
Business Experience
Jennifer has worked for the City and Borough of Juneau for 25 years, in the following capacities: risk management officer 2 1/2 years; engineering contract administrator and contract specialist for 6 years and 7 years respectively; community development department permit specialist and permit technician for 2 years and 6 years respectively.
ERM Experience
Jennifer is at the discovery proficiency level with the concepts and principles of enterprise risk management. She hopes to formally implement ERM over the next few years, but she is already spreading the word about its basic principles.
Professional Affiliations
Public Risk Management Association - 2 1/2 years
University of Alaska Southeast, Bachelor of Education (with an emphasis in secondary language arts)
University of Alaska Southeast, Associate of Arts in General Studies