Vincent O'Connell, a PRIMA student scholar and undergraduate student studying risk management and insurance at Saint John's University, shares his experience at PRIMA's 2023 Annual Conference. Vincent applied for the scholarship to explore new opportunities in the industry and broaden his understanding of different aspects, such as public versus private insurance. He realized the abundance of opportunities in the insurance industry, particularly in public risk management, and the importance of networking with industry professionals. Vincent also found it rewarding to connect with other student scholars from different schools who shared his interests and aspirations in the industry.
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Vincent O'Connell
Risk Management and Insurance Major, St. John's University
Vincent is a junior majoring in risk management and Insurance at St. John’s University in New York. Currently, he interns at Healthcare Risk Advisors as an insurance data coordinator and was the treasurer of the Alpha Iota Chapter of Gamma Iota Sigma for the past year. He is also a member of numerous risk management and insurance organizations such as RIMS and the CPCU Society. Recently, Vincent applied for and was accepted into the St. John’s Fast Track Graduate Program to pursue an MBA with a concentration in enterprise risk management. This upcoming summer, he is set to join Segal Select’s Summer Internship program to explore the broker side of the business.