Carl Amritt shares best practices for new risk managers and his takeaways from the 2018 PRIMA Annual Conference. Carl then delves into lessons learned since he entered the field of risk management post-graduation and since his Annual Conference experience.
Carl’s advice for new risk managers is to create a risk awareness culture within your organization, as he provides several methods to implement to achieve this goal. He also speaks on how other PRIMA resources greatly benefit his work, including how his attendance at PRIMA's ERM Training helped him understand that enterprise risk management is embedded in different areas within an entity.
*The views and opinions expressed in the Public Risk Management Association (PRIMA) blogs/podcasts are those of each respective author/speaker. The views and opinions do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of PRIMA.*

Carl Amritt
Analyst, District of Columbia’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency
Summary of Qualifications
Carl is an experienced public policy and government relations professional with subject-matter expertise in national security, violence prevention, risk management, intelligence, emergency management, disaster resilience and law enforcement.
He currently works for the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, where he manages the Threat Assessment Center, a city-wide effort focused on providing threat assessment and management services to city residents. Before joining the District of Columbia, he worked at the National Governors Association, a bipartisan membership group of governors from the 55 states, territories, and commonwealths, where he provided policy analysis and developed data-driven, evidence-based solutions to address state homeland security challenges.
Carl holds a master’s in public administration and a bachelor’s degree in political science from American University, where he graduated with honors. In addition, he has the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, among other certifications from FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute and the International Organization of Standards.
Founded a city-wide threat assessment and management program to provide resources and support for individuals before they mobilize to violence. Develops standard operating procedures for a multidisciplinary team consisting of law enforcement, public health, education, youth services, and others to guide agency threat assessment and management efforts.
Develops grant proposals, budgets, project schedules and performance metrics for federal grant opportunities valued at more than $1.5 Million with multi-year funding commitments to support the threat assessment and management program. Monitors and tracks national and city violence prevention initiatives to identify opportunities to advance the agency's strategic goals.
Provide project management, technological and implementation support on the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Training Program for more than 5,500 individuals within local law enforcement, faith-based institutions, public school system and higher education institutions. Serve as a subject-matter expert on targeted violence prevention and perform stakeholder management across government, non-profit, religious and community leaders.
Business Experience
District of Columbia Homeland Security & Emergency Management Agency
Program Analyst
National Governors Association
Senior Policy Analyst
Interim Program Director
American University
Assistant Director, Global Safety
Special Projects Coordinator, University Police
Roosevelt Institute, Campus Network
Policy Coordinator
ERM Experience
Carl has used ERM in his previous role serving as assistant director for global safety at American University. In this role, ERM was an important framework for understanding the risk landscape for students, faculty, and staff traveling abroad.
Carl currently uses components of ERM within his current work in threat assessment and management at the District of Columbia’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. In this role, he develops policies and systems to prevent and mitigate the impact of targeted violence.
Professional Affiliations
- Counter-Terrorism Prepardness Network, Threat Analysis Subgroup
- Roosevelt Institute, Campus Network - Alumni Board of Advisors
- Project Management Institute
American University, School of Public Affairs
- Master of Public Administration, May 2019
- Bachelor of Science in Political Science, May 2017