December 15 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
The presentation will utilize extensive video clips to provoke thought and the discussion will leave you with inspirational ideas of how to lead.
What motivates you to lead? How do you inspire others to perform their best? What is the essence of leadership? Take this unique journey of discovery. The presentation will utilize extensive video clips to provoke thought and the discussion will leave you with inspirational ideas of how to lead.
Attendee Takeaways:
- Attendees will engage in interactive discussion on the keys of effective leadership
- Gain insight into how to engage and motivate ourselves and others
- A different perspective on life’s experience and what it teaches
- Consider a new perspective on the essence of leadership

Dean Coughenour, ARM, Director of Risk Management, City of Flagstaff (AZ)
Dean Coughenour is the Risk Manager for the City of Flagstaff and directs their Risk Management Department, managing a comprehensive risk and safety program that includes reducing risk factors, grass root integration of the risk management decision matrix, safety, insurance, litigation management, Workers' Compensation, training, and facility inspection programs. Coughenour has over 30 years’ experience in proactive Risk Management and has served on various boards and associations including Arizona Municipal Risk Retention board, City of Scottsdale Loss Trust Fund board is a past national board member of PERI (Public Entity Risk and Insurance), past loss trust fund board chair for the City of Scottsdale, past president of PRIMA National and has held various other community leadership positions. He is a frequent speaker on Risk Management topics both at national and local conferences. Serves on the national speaker bureau and is a champion for Risk Management and the employment of the Risk Management decision matrix in day to day operations of public sector entities.