Preparing for the Unspeakable

Chief Keith F. Hummel (Ret.), Associate Director, Public Sector, J.A. Montgomery Consulting
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December 13 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST

This webinar is designed to assist with the process of developing action plans for workplace violence and active shooter incidents. OSHA/PEOSH requires public entities to prepare for known hazards. Workplace violence is a known hazard, the loss of life, the number of serious injuries and the mental health tragedies that are caused by these incidents are reasonably foreseeable. Planning and preparation are key elements to mitigating these types of risks.

Attendee Takeaways:

1. Identify and understand the threat of workplace violence
2. Identify best business practices
3. Develop a plan of action based on the uniqueness of your workplace and facilities



Chief Keith F. Hummel (Ret.), Associate Director, Public Sector, J.A. Montgomery Consulting

Keith is an associate director for J.A. Montgomery Consulting. He provides safety and loss control services for law enforcement agencies within municipal and county entities. The services provided address elements of a uniform consulting plan, which include training, accreditation plans, loss analysis, regulatory compliance, and on-site consultation and inspection. Keith serves as a liaison to the New Jersey Municipal Excess Liability Funds Safety & Education Committee and offers advice on law enforcement exposures and controls.

Keith joined J.A. Montgomery Consulting in May 2017. Prior to joining J.A. Montgomery Consulting, he was the former police chief and emergency management coordinator of Voorhees Township, located in Camden County, New Jersey.

Keith was the former president of the Camden County Police Chiefs Association and served on the Legal Aid and Arbitration and Education Committees. He also served on the Camden County Communications Radio Advisory Board and the NJSACOP Command and Leadership Advisory Committee.

During Keith’s career as an instructor, he has taught classes on leadership, first line supervision, personnel management, risk management, criminology, career survival, CPR, firearms, use of force, decision making and internet crime.

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