Value-Added Services: How to Get the Most from Your Insurance Partnerships

Dane Mall, MPA, ARM, AIC, CEAS, Assistant Vice President, Public Entity Risk Advisor, Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
Marisol Leyva, MBA, SHRM-SCP, Director of Human Resources & Risk Management, Village of Bensenville, IL
Bob Bentz, Director of Risk Management, City of Waukegan, IL

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December 17 | 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET

Value-added services can include a myriad of insurance and risk management support services provided in conjunction with insurance brokerage and insurance provider relationships. The extent to which value-added services are offered is not always well communicated and, in many cases, these important support services go underutilized. Please join our speakers as they share what value-added services are, how value-added services can enhance your risk management programs and what you should expect from your insurance partners.

Attendee Takeaways:

1. Define and identify value-added services
2. Learn how to determine what value-added services are important to your organization
3. Learn how to maximize value-added service
4. Success stories



Dane Mall, MPA, ARM, AIC, CEAS, Assistant Vice President, Public Entity Risk Advisor, Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
Marisol Leyva, MBA, SHRM-SCP, Director of Human Resources & Risk Management, Village of Bensenville, IL
Bob Bentz, Director of Risk Management, City of Waukegan, IL

Dane specializes in developing and implementing customized risk management programs and by blending a unique combination of experience in public entity risk management, insurance brokerage, training, employee relations, loss control and risk management service delivery for large and small public entities. Areas of expertise in risk management include, but not limited to: comprehensive risk management programs, strategic risk management planning, loss trend analysis, training plan development, insurance procurement, risk assessment, loss control, claims administration, education and training, human resources, safety and OSHA compliance, supervisor safety workshops, safety culture, accident investigation, fleet safety and general injury prevention.

Marisol currently serves as the director of human resources & risk management for the Village of Bensenville. With over 10 years of experience in private and public HR leadership, Marisol focuses on strategic HR management, talent development and risk mitigation. In her dual role, Marisol emphasizes intentional training for incident prevention and fosters leadership and employee buy-in for a holistic approach to risk management. She believes that effective risk management is not just about compliance but also about cultivating a culture of safety and responsibility within the organization. In addition to her role at the Village, Marisol serves as a board member with the Illinois Local Government Hispanic Network (ILGHN). This position allows her to promote diversity and inclusion within local government. Marisol holds a BS in business & marketing from DeVry University and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management.

Bob is currently the director of risk management for the City of Waukegan, IL and has spent the last 17 years in the risk and safety field. Prior to switching to the risk field, Bob was a firefighter /paramedic for 20 years. Bob has spent his entire career working for municipal government and currently serves as the Chair of PRIMA’s Education Committee. As a result of having sustained a career ending injury in the fire service, Bob is very passionate about sending all employees home safe at the end of each day.

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