Leading is something that usually happens long before a person is granted a “position of authority”. Prior to becoming a manager or supervisor, leaders establish themselves as a person of influence, regardless of title. Being an effective leader, however, isn’t easy, and it comes at a cost. Anyone can make suggestions or complain about those that are above them but having the courage to make decisions that affect others and persevering through the frustrations and challenges to make a real difference is something not everyone is willing to do. In this session, attendees will learn the difference between influence and authority and how to maximize their impact through correctly utilizing both.

Attendee Takeaways:

1. Confront tendencies to manage when you should be leading, and be equipped to refocus on people and culture rather than tasks as often as possible
2. Learn an equation for building a legacy of leadership and the three keys to developing broader influence and impact with subordinates, peers, and even team members at a higher level within their organization
3. Incorporate a double-barreled approach of initiative and commitment to generate a higher level of employee engagement and empowerment