If you work in the public sector,
state government, local community, special district, intergovernmental pool or a municipality, and risk management is part of your daily routine,
then YOU should join PRIMA!
Find out more about how PRIMA can help you

Save Money
PRIMA members save an average of $2,344 per individual per government entity
By gaining access to member-only resources such as the PRIMA Cybrary and PRIMA Talk, as well as financial discounts to PRIMA conferences, events, webinars and much more, PRIMA membership pays for itself in value!
PRIMA is the most comprehensive career investment you can make for yourself and for your entity.

Your PRIMA membership gives you access to more than 3,000 industry specialists.
Keep in touch with your peers via PRIMA Talk, PRIMA’s members-only listserv, and interact with other practitioners at PRIMA conferences and events, giving you great opportunities to make strong connections with other professionals within your field.
PRIMA’s local chapters are also a great way to meet risk managers in your area.

Professional Development
PRIMA keeps you up-to-date with continuous educational resources and opportunities.
Whether through PRIMA’s specialized education series, weekly RiskWatch e-newsletter, monthly seminars, ARM tutorials, special webinar series, podcasts and blogs, PRIMA makes sure that you are getting the most up-to-date information about what is going in the ever-changing risk management industry.

PRIMA Cybrary
No need to reinvent the wheel when you have PRIMA's Cybrary.
PRIMA's online library puts thousands of risk management-related documents at your fingertips 24/7 such as RFPs, policy and procedure guides, annual reports and disaster plans, and much more.

Public Risk
PRIMA’s bi-monthly magazine, is the flagship publication of the association.
Public Risk provides risk managers with timely, focused information in an easy-to-read format via print and online publications. Public Risk features articles from risk management practitioners and industry professionals on topics ranging from current trends, risk management procedures and guidelines, legislation changes and more.

Core Competencies Curriculum Development
PRIMA has a focused and motivated agenda based on our core competencies.
Using this template you can be assured that we will continue to keep you educated and informed for years to come.

Awards & Recognition Program
PRIMA members can participate in PRIMA's annual Awards Program that earns them recognition for their successfully implemented risk management programs.
Voting members can earn recognition as the Public Risk Manager of the year or in program, product and pool award categories, as well as chapter recognition.
Students enrolled in risk management, public policy, public administration, economics, business administration and other related degree programs are eligible to apply for a PRIMA Annual Conference Student Scholarship.

Career Center & Job Bank
Job seekers and employers alike can benefit from PRIMA's Career Center.
Public risk management professionals searching for their next career opportunity can take advantage of our job bank, free resume review, and the ability to post resumes, receive personal job alerts and communicate with employers through an internal messaging system.
Employers have access to a pool of qualified job candidates, can display their company’s profile, and use PRIMA's social media to notify our members across LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

PRIMA Institute
A yearly educational program designed to bring new risk managers up-to-speed and refresh seasoned practitioners with the foundations in public sector risk management.
Its small classroom setting, industry-leading content providers and networking opportunities will ensure that you will return to work with knowledge of the umbrella that makes up public sector risk management as well as with a close network of public risk managers.

PRIMA’s Annual Conference
With more than 55 educational sessions addressing areas such as...
employee benefits/human resources, enterprise risk management, legal and regulatory, management and administration, pools, risk control, risk management, safety and loss control and more, you will leave the PRIMA Annual Conference with at least a handful of ideas that will embellish your risk management program.
PRIMA offers an Annual Conference Scholarship Fund, which allows government entities the opportunity to attend our Annual Conference through generous donations from its sponsors.