Podcasts & Blogs

Featuring emerging issues impacting the public risk management community, listen and read these resources to remain cognizant of best practices in the profession!

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Can School Pools in Other States Help California Establish Tort Caps?

Putting a dent in what schools are paying to settle liability claims would help keep dollars focused where they should be – in providing quality education for our children. But what is the true impact of those claims?

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Tips for the FEMA Public Assistance Journey

If your organization is a public entity, chances are you will face a catastrophic event that will require you to venture down the road to FEMA Public Assistance. Consideration of the following information will help you better prepare for the journey ahead.

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A New Approach to Controlling Lag Time

There is a real benefit to reporting losses immediately after they happen. This is particularly important in workers’ compensation insurance. The time between the occurrence of the loss and the reporting to the insurance carrier is called lag time, and is usually measured in days.

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Risk Management of Police Response to Suicide Threats

Police officers are the default first response to mental health crises of suicidal persons. But is this really a police matter—or a risk that should be shifted to mental health services, or even allowed to play out without any emergency intervention?

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OwnRx: The Hidden Pharmacy

The creation of a new company called OwnRx has two programs it offers that make the cost of medications less expensive and the purchase of prescription medications completely transparent.

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How Public Insurers & Pools Can Positively Influence Police Operations

Pools become experts regarding any litigation trends in their state, but they can also learn about changes taking place all around the country by having discussions with their excess or reinsurance carrier.

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Legislation Addressing Public Disclosure of Body Cam Video

Throughout the country, a majority of states still do not have legislation clearly defining whether or to what extent police body camera video should be deemed a public record.

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Proactive Prescription Programs: Proven Pharmacy Management Practices

When it comes to helping reducing time away from work following an injury and reducing claim spend, access to the right medications at the right time is crucial while also managing to prevent chronic use of high risk medications.

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Using Video Data to Reduce Fleet Risks

While data from the vehicle and telematics solutions is powerful, it can’t determine if the light was red, yellow or green in a situation involving hearsay. Nor can it tell you why the driver had a hard brake or what caused mystery damage to your vehicles.

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