PRIMA’s Risk Management Webinar Series

Take part in PRIMA’s 2024 Webinar Series!

In addition to informative presentations from knowledgeable risk management professionals, PRIMA webinars include handouts, participant polls and 30 minutes of live Q&A. Take advantage of the opportunity for virtual learning whether you are alone or in the company of your colleagues! Be sure to clear your calendar and click on the Webinar titles to register!

Read the 2024 Webinar Brochure!

Webinars are FREE for PRIMA members, $125 for non-member registrants.


Enjoying Actuarial Results: It’s as Easy as 3.14159265…

May 15, 2024
This session will not only provide attendees with a firm understanding of key actuarial results such as outstanding liabilities and projected funding rates, but also important actuarial concepts including loss development, inflationary trends, claim frequency and severity, reserve discounting, and confidence levels. Current industry trends will also be discussed.

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Fraud in Risk Management

June 26, 2024
What happens when an issue is shrouded in misinformation or subterfuge? What happens when you rely on information provided that is not what it appears to be. This session focuses on managing the integrity of risk and its governance and learning how to let go of what you can’t control.

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Succession Planning: Your People, Your Board and Growing Your Own

July 17, 2024
This session is intended to provide attendees with the steps to identify (potential) gaps in their organization’s succession planning for both internal staff as well as their committees/board. Additionally, attendees will also be provided with a template form and other resources that are key to establishing an effective succession plan.

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The Power of Partnerships in a Continuously Connected World

December 14, 2022
In this session, Kelvin will discuss resources and human-centric focus on best practices for implementing public and private sector partnerships to mitigate the risk of cyber threats.

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State of the Cyber Insurance Market

January 18, 2023
The cyber insurance has been in the midst of a hard market for two renewal cycles – pricing and coverage continuing to move in sine waves.

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Beyond Employee Resilience: A Focus on Mental Wellness in the Workplace

February 15, 2023
Employee mental wellness is so much more complicated than simply focusing on resilience training. The buzz about resilience in the workplace puts the onus of responsibility on the individual employees.

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Building Safety Cultures that Work: Engaging Employees in Safety Reporting

March 15, 2023
This session focuses on the establishment of trust between managers, risk and safety staff and employees to encourage not only reporting accidents and near misses but to report processing issues, equipment deficiencies or policies that may lead to a greater potential for harm than the policy intended.

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Life Plan: A Strategy for Achieving and Maintaining Life Balance

June 28, 2023
Stress, employee conflict, poor performance, absenteeism and turnover… if your organization has any of those problems, the presentation will help you resolve them.

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Identifying the Red Flags of Fraud

November 15, 2023
Do you know what information you’re really receiving when you run a background check? Do you depend on a screening firm who tells you “you’re getting it all” (whatever ‘all’ is)?

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