Building an Inclusive, Resilient Safety Culture through Mutually Beneficial Relationships

Marilyn L. Rivers, CPCU, ARM, AIC, CEO, Rivers Risk Consulting, LLC

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February 19, 2025 | 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET

Risk is an equal partner to safety in operational risk governance. The totality of our risk is a dynamic equation of respect for our risk partners, trust in our collective operational goals and the equality of inclusion in our best practices. Safety is a risk journey whose opportunities for improvement make us stronger as we problem solve as a team, instilling the importance of mutually beneficial partnerships. We all bring our life experiences, strengths and weaknesses to our team dynamics. This webinar will focus on a multidisciplinary approach to risk and safety, providing foundations for risk resiliency and strategic thinking by learning to appreciate the tribulations that occur and to capitalize on them for our risk resiliency success.

Attendee Takeaways:

1. Learn how to identify potential risk-safety team members for strategic success
2. Develop partnerships in risk resiliency-mutual opportunities for improvement
3. Understand how to promote brainstorming in safety culture resiliency
4. Learn the good, the bad, the ugly and how they equate to success



Marilyn L. Rivers, CPCU, ARM, AIC, CEO, Rivers Risk Consulting, LLC

Marilyn is a nationally recognized public-private entity risk management professional and educator who has extensive experience in delivering program development, fiscal oversight, compliance and education tailored to meet the dynamic needs of governance. She has a combined 35 years of experience managing risk in both the public and private sectors. She holds a BS in chemistry from Clarkson University and a MEd from Tufts University. Her professional designations include the CPCU, ARM and AIC. Marilyn was PRIMA Risk Manager of the Year in 2007. She is a consensus builder who promotes people, partnerships and strategic risk resiliency.

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