Enhancing Community Fire Safety

Sara Lowenthal, AINS & Rodney Barco, Fire Chief

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November 20 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST

This webinar emphasizes the critical importance of fire safety in preserving lives and property. It provides statistical insight into fire incidents, highlighting their profound impact on communities. The event advocates for a collaborative approach, emphasizing the need for a coordinated effort between operational and preventive measures. The webinar covers various aspects, including conducting community risk assessments, implementing data-driven approaches for targeted risk identification, integrating operational and preventive efforts, showcasing successful case studies, addressing challenges and providing practical recommendations for implementation.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of fire safety's significance and its impact on communities, emphasizing a holistic perspective
  2. Learn about the benefits of a coordinated approach, integrating operational and preventive strategies for more effective risk identification and mitigation
  3. Explore case studies highlighting successful coordinated strategies and their positive outcomes in diverse community settings
  4. Acquire practical steps and resources for implementing coordinated strategies, addressing challenges, and contributing to measurable public and fire safety improvements



Sara Lowenthal, AINS, Director of Safety and Risk, City of Hartford, CT

Rodney Barco, Fire Chief, City of Hartford Fire Department

Sara has served as the director of safety & risk management for the City of Hartford for the last five years.  During her tenure, she actively participated in the Uniformed Professional Fire Fighters Association of Connecticut’s (UPFFA of CT) Fire Ops program where she had the opportunity to experience what fire fighters deal with on a daily basis.  This experience led her to become an advocate for firefighters and fire safety.  Prior to her current role, she accumulated 20 years of experience working for insurance carriers Chubb, AIG and Starr in a variety of roles including accounting, claims, IT, operations, underwriting and vendor management.  Sara is the treasurer of the CT Valley RIMS chapter and is a board member of the CT PRIMA chapter.

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