Until Help Arrives

This presentation will help attendees recognize, respond, rescue and report in the event of an active killer situation.

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This course will focus on the trauma care for victims of penetrating trauma. The simple skills that will be discussed are proven to save lives. Using battlefield data and modifying the techniques for the civilian world, this webinar can prepare the attendee to possibly save lives.

Attendee Takeaways:

  • Be the help before help arrives
  • Understand the disaster arc to help your chances of survival
  • Learn how to focus on treatment to possibly decrease the number of total casualties
  • Prepare the mind by focusing on situational awareness at all times

Marijuana and CBD

The presentation will teach attendees the history and origin of marijuana while exploring the risks and benefits of both marijuana and CBD, defined with a brief review of case law

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Attendee Takeaways:

  • CBD and marijuana law
  • Risks and benefits of CBD and marijuana
  • Look at the future of CBD and marijuana

Liability and Auto Claims

Attendees will learn the primary elements in handling claims.

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The presenter will walk participants through the denial, acceptance, mediation, insurance carrier ramifications and the influence of politics. Learn to avoid the pitfalls and excel in your departments’ handling of both simple and complex claims.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. What a claim is and what you can do now to reduce the impact to your organization
  2. What role does politics play in the consideration of your claims handling
  3. What steps you can take when a claim occurs and after you receive the claim
  4. The proper timing to prepare for litigation and when to settle/pay the demand

It’s Not Just What You Say…It’s How You Say It: The Essential Elements of Effective Communication

Though we begin communicating the moment we’re born, most adults would have to admit that our communication skills could still use some improvement.

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Often, the problems begin with the fact that we never mastered (or we got complacent and abandoned) many of the basic fundamentals of effective communication. These small habits and/or disciplines contribute greatly to other people’s perceptions of you both personally and professionally. This presentation delivers simple but important mechanics and tools to help you to become a better communicator, which will increase your influence with others.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. Learn the 3 components of any communication, the pitfalls they can present, and how to defend against breakdowns that often occur even in the most basic communication
  2. Discover ways to ensure peripheral contributors (or distractors) don’t take away from effective communication
  3. See how 5 simple steps you can take will not only help you but also the other person or people with whom you’re communicating

Managing Diversity and Inclusion Risk

Participants will be given a framework to help evaluate risks involving interpersonal relations in the workplace.

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The presenter will also provide the worst and best practices for managing and minimizing these risks. 

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. A framework for understanding diversity and inclusion
  2. A definition of diversity and inclusion
  3. Worst and best practices for managing interpersonal relations in the workplace

Defining the Ten Most Critical Risk Management Issues for Your Entity

A critical examination of industry best practices and an entity’s loss experience provides a fairly clear road-map to addressing the bulk of your risk exposures.

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Using a humorous approach and subtitle of: “The Top Ten Things Your Staff Says & (You Know It’s Gonna Be a Bad Day),” this session provides a short “punch-list” of issues that if addressing adequately, can dramatically improve your property and casualty losses.
Attendee Takeaways:
  1. Encourages the attendee to honestly assess your entity’s exposures 
  2. Provides an objective best practices and data-driven evaluation of a public entity’s risk issues 
  3. Provides a short “punch-list” of solutions to dramatically improve an entity’s loss experience.

PRIMA’s Virtual COVID-19 Reopening Task Force Roundtable

Public risk management professionals continue to work to mitigate and manage the risks associated with reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic; sharing information within the risk management community strengthens our ability to reopen public entities safely.

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Join PRIMA’s COVID-19 Reopening Task Force as they discuss PRIMA’s recent coronavirus white paper.

Task Force members will share information regarding the creation of return-to-work policies that address: PPE guidelines, social distancing, fleet management, cleaning protocol, and employee travel. Attendees are encouraged to participate in an interactive Q&A with the presenters.


Robin Flint, ARM, CSP, CEAS I, Senior Risk Management Advisor, Association of California Water Agency Joint Powers Insurance Authority

Dan Hurley, CSP, ARM-P, MS, Risk Manager, City of Chesapeake, VA

Amy Larson, JD, ARM, Risk and Litigation Manager, City of Bloomington, MN

Mike Payne, ARM, HEM, Risk Manager, City of Fresno, CA

COVID-19: Managing the Reopen

As public entities across the nation plan to reopen, risk management professionals work to ensure that it is done as safely as possible.

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Public risk managers are leading the effort to design effective and efficient reopening policies. 

This webinar will share information to assist public risk managers as they implement reopening plans to best meet the needs of their employees and more broadly, the public. The speakers will discuss the impact of this public health emergency and strategies to reopen while managing the risks associated with COVID-19.

PRIMA Talk Goes Live! The Risk Management Response to COVID-19

Description of pre-existing policies/procedures that have been instrumental in the entity’s ability to manage this crisis
Details regarding the entity’s response to the crisis, such as:

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    • Cooperative agreements with other entities
    • Public/private partnerships
    • Communication methods/messaging
    • Specific strategies being used to flatten the curve
    • Ways to mitigate the (negative) financial impact on the community
    • Steps taken to protect essential employees who are required to work
  • Implications for future policy/procedure changes and the creation of new policies/procedures