Welcome to PRIMAtalk

PRIMAtalk is a member-only email discussion group designed for interactive discussions with your risk management peers.

Get quick feedback on issues that are important to you in your work as a public sector risk manager. Keep your finger on the pulse of public risk management by using PRIMA Talk!

All members are automatically subscribed to PRIMA Talk, and it can be accessed through PRIMA’s Community.

Guidelines & Subscription Info





PRIMAtalk is home to a variety of diverse view points and opinions. We ask that you observe the following guidelines.

- Avoid resending the entire message to which you are replying by cutting and pasting the relevant parts into your response. And, please do not resend a digest back to the email list.
- Please don't try to sell anything.
- Please do not discuss or disclose actual pricing of products and services.
- Keep your postings polite and in the realm of good taste.
- That which is hateful to you, don't do to your neighbor.
- The postings should have something to do with risk management or local government.


Subscription Information

All members are automatically subscribed to PRIMAtalk. You are a listserv member simply by virtue of being a PRIMA member. PRIMAtalk can be accessed through PRIMA’s Community.

All PRIMA members must log into PRIMA’s Community to post a message to PRIMAtalk. Members can choose to receive individual PRIMAtalk messages or a daily digest by editing their group notification defaults in the PRIMAtalk group. PRIMA members can also unsubscribe from all PRIMAtalk messages by leaving the group.

For issues with or questions about how to log in to PRIMA’s Community, contact