Driver Management Essentials

In order to get ahead of the curve of disaster impact, communities must have a change in mindset and focus time, energy and funds proactively. Disaster risk reduction involves tipping the scales in favor of preparedness, mitigation and capability growth.

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Are you proactive or reactive? In the United States, emergency management has widely been approached from a reactionary manner through response and recovery. Hazard occurrences are increasing in frequency and severity with mounting negative impacts to our community systems. Response and recovery, no matter how refined, will not result in resilience. In order to get ahead of the curve of disaster impact, communities must have a change in mindset and focus time, energy and funds proactively. Disaster risk reduction involves tipping the scales in favor of preparedness, mitigation and capability growth.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. Identify how disasters are impacting communities in the U.S
  2. Understand elements of disaster risk
  3. Explore capability growth within community systems


Virtual Enterprise Risk Management Training (Module 6-8)

PRIMA offers a virtual four-day Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) training designed according to the ERM international standard, ISO 31000. PRIMA’s ERM faculty are subject matter experts who will teach attendees how to establish long-term enterprise-wide resiliency in public entities.

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Succession Planning: Your People, Your Board and Growing Your Own

This session is intended to provide attendees with the steps to identify (potential) gaps in their organization’s succession planning for both internal staff as well as their committees/board.

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More than ever, it is imperative that organizations establish a plan to ensure the resiliency of their most important asset: their people. This session is intended to provide attendees with the steps to identify (potential) gaps in their organization’s succession planning for both internal staff as well as their committees/board. Additionally, attendees will also be provided with a template form and other resources that are key to establishing an effective succession plan.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. Understand the succession planning (SP) needs of their organization
  2. Identify areas of immediate need (between 0-5 years)
  3. Create a plan of action for both internal/external succession needs



Virtual- Enterprise Risk Management Training (Module 4-5)

PRIMA offers a virtual four-day Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) training designed according to the ERM international standard, ISO 31000. PRIMA’s ERM faculty are subject matter experts who will teach attendees how to establish long-term enterprise-wide resiliency in public entities.

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Virtual- Enterprise Risk Management Training (Module 3)

PRIMA offers a virtual four-day Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) training designed according to the ERM international standard, ISO 31000. PRIMA’s ERM faculty are subject matter experts who will teach attendees how to establish long-term enterprise-wide resiliency in public entities.

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Virtual- Enterprise Risk Management Training (Module 1-2)

PRIMA offers a virtual four-day Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) training designed according to the ERM international standard, ISO 31000. PRIMA’s ERM faculty are subject matter experts who will teach attendees how to establish long-term enterprise-wide resiliency in public entities.

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Fraud in Risk Management

This session focuses on managing the integrity of risk and its governance and learning how to let go of what you can’t control.

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Risk mitigation involves trust in governance – trust from your risk partners that an issue is universally reviewed in fairness with integrity and will be managed with those same qualities. What happens when an issue is shrouded in misinformation or subterfuge? What happens when you rely on information provided that is not what it appears to be. This session focuses on managing the integrity of risk and its governance and learning how to let go of what you can’t control.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. Understand the ethics of risk mitigation in governance.
  2. Learn communication strategies to overcome obstacles while identifying risk
  3. Learn to constructively accept the negative consequences of proactive risk mitigation
  4. Understand the chain of command’s responsibility in managing the totality of risk and its integrity


PRIMA Annual Conference 2024
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Enjoying Actuarial Results: It’s as Easy as 3.14159265…

This session will not only provide attendees with a firm understanding of key actuarial results such as outstanding liabilities and projected funding rates, but also important actuarial concepts including loss development, inflationary trends, claim frequency and severity, reserve discounting, and confidence levels.

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The actuarial report may have many numbers and look pretty daunting, but with knowledge of some basic concepts, reading an actuarial report can actually be enjoyable. This session will not only provide attendees with a firm understanding of key actuarial results such as outstanding liabilities and projected funding rates, but also important actuarial concepts including loss development, inflationary trends, claim frequency and severity, reserve discounting, and confidence levels. Current industry trends will also be discussed.

Attendee Takeaways:

  1. Better understanding of actuarial concepts and results
  2. Ability to reasonably check the assumptions in the actuarial report
  3. Ability to use actuarial results to determine appropriate funding levels and claims trends
  4. Knowledge of current industry trends in various lines of business