Podcasts & Blogs

Featuring emerging issues impacting the public risk management community, listen and read these resources to remain cognizant of best practices in the profession!

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2019 Podcast Archives

Previously-presented 2019 Podcasts available to PRIMA members.

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Cross-Generational Workforces

We know that there are strong societal trends and patterns that impact the way each generation views work ethics, politics, cultural norms and other day-to-day values and expectations. It is crucial to understand how our perspectives may have been influenced by the generation that influenced us in order for our workplace culture to thrive.

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Avoiding The Wheel Of Misfortune: Using Advanced Analytics To Achieve Better Claim Outcomes

Workers’ compensation is a data rich business, so turning data into actionable insights should be a top priority. Data is a valuable source of information for managing workers compensation claims.

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Hanyun Li’S Student Scholar Reflection

I attended several education sessions at the Annual Conference. All of these sessions were amazing and the speakers gave specific examples and clear explanations that provided me with insight into the public risk management world.

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How Risk Managers Can Shape a Connected Future

Mobility corridors, smart lighting and connected infrastructure are just some of the projects our communities are embarking on today. Many state and local governments already have published smart city visions and are working to fund massive system upgrades.

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Your Employee Has Blown the Whistle: Now What?

The rise in whistleblower/retaliation claims is occurring under both federal and state laws.

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Machine Vision and Artificial Intelligence for Risk Management

Technologies like smart phones, blue tooth devices and LCD displays in vehicles are contributing factors to the distractions that lead to collisions. However, technologies like machine vision and artificial intelligence are working against distractions—to detect risky driving behavior and distraction before they lead to a collision.

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The Power and Potential of Becoming a Change Agent

Almost everyone is trying very hard to fix something or change someone or improve somehow, but few people embrace change as a core competency. Change is hard, change tests your resilience, but change can be the most powerful tool deployed by leaders.

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Non-Pharmacological Alternatives to Opioid Medication

Remember opioids? They’ve been overshadowed recently by Covid-19, but the CDC found that opioids were involved in 46,802 overdose deaths in 2018 – a very slight improvement over 2017’s 47,600 deaths.

Truth is, we have begun to make genuine progress on the opioid front.  Some states have drawn legislation or regulations that better control physicians’ freedom to prescribe.

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