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Disaster Risk Reduction: Mitigation, Infrastructure Hardening, Plans and Policy
In order to get ahead of the curve of disaster impact, communities must have a change in mindset and focus time, energy and funds proactively. Disaster risk reduction involves tipping the scales in favor of preparedness, mitigation and capability growth.
Are you proactive or reactive? In the United States, emergency management has widely been approached from a reactionary manner through response and recovery. Hazard occurrences are increasing in frequency and severity with mounting negative impacts to our community systems. Response and recovery, no matter how refined, will not result in resilience. In order to get ahead of the curve of disaster impact, communities must have a change in mindset and focus time, energy and funds proactively. Disaster risk reduction involves tipping the scales in favor of preparedness, mitigation and capability growth.
Attendee Takeaways:
1. Identify how disasters are impacting communities in the U.S
2. Understand elements of disaster risk
3. Explore capability growth within community systems
Check back soon for more information.
Active Assailant: How to Avoid Missteps in the Aftermath of an Event
There’s been a great amount of information on how to protect your facilities from an active assailant, but just like a ransomware or phishing attack, all it takes is for something like a stolen key card to circumvent. It’s important to understand how critical the next steps are in the aftermath of an event so you can avoid missteps that could result in making a difficult situation infinitely more difficult.
Every door is locked, you have panic buttons, time lock safes, employee key cards, surveillance and perhaps even on-site security. But that didn’t matter. Now, after the all-clear is given, you have police asking you questions, and a reporter approaches you with a camera and a microphone asking for a comment. Understandably, your adrenal gland is still in overdrive and you dig deep for something to say, but what do you say? More importantly, what do you NOT say? In today’s connected world, a comment given out of context or a leaked surveillance video clip will present significant problems. Before you know it, your organization is all over the evening news that will make any litigation that follows more complicated and politicized.
There’s been a great amount of information on how to protect your facilities from an active assailant, but just like a ransomware or phishing attack, all it takes is for something like a stolen key card to circumvent. It’s important to understand how critical the next steps are in the aftermath of an event so you can avoid missteps that could result in making a difficult situation infinitely more difficult.
Attendee Takeaways:
1. Don't just prepare for before, but prepare for after
2. Is there a designated spokesperson - internal or external?
3. Have resources planned that tend to your employees (e.g., EAP/Crisis Management)
4. This is a constant conversation, it's a fluid risk and has to be managed
Check back soon for more information.
Check back soon for more information.
Virtual Enterprise Risk Management Training (Module 6-8)
PRIMA offers a virtual four-day Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) training designed according to the ERM international standard, ISO 31000. PRIMA’s ERM faculty are subject matter experts who will teach attendees how to establish long-term enterprise-wide resiliency in public entities.
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Award-Winning Ideas and Lessons from PRMYs
This panel of PRIMA’s Risk Managers of the Year will help every level of risk professional. New risk managers can learn how to establish a solid program and more seasoned risk managers might leave knowing a few new tricks.
This panel of PRIMA’s Risk Managers of the Year will help every level of risk professional. New risk managers can learn how to establish a solid program and more seasoned risk managers might leave knowing a few new tricks. These experts come from all different types of public risk (City, County, State, Schools, Special District Utility and Air/Seaports). They offer implementable strategies with million dollar impacts. Attendees can learn ways to make risk managers a superstar in their organization.
Attendee Takeaways:
1. Learn how to build credibility and influence in your organization by using performance-driven solutions
2. Develop and apply metrics to demonstrate your success
3. Identify and resolve organizational exposures
4. Evaluate your program, identify areas of improvement and apply effective solutions
Virtual- Enterprise Risk Management Training (Module 4-5)
PRIMA offers a virtual four-day Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) training designed according to the ERM international standard, ISO 31000. PRIMA’s ERM faculty are subject matter experts who will teach attendees how to establish long-term enterprise-wide resiliency in public entities.
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